SO.. i've been a pig today.
But i'm still struggling to get to 1500 calories :(
Right now, at almost 10pm, I am at 1,290 for the day. WTF. And I've been eating really gross too, i think Im about to start my crimson wave (ifyaknowwhadimean).
I've had 2 burgers (with buns!), a hot dog, an ice cream cone (mmm cookies n cream) and waffles with syrup... so I'm actually in the process of baking fries (at 120 a serving), so i can catch up to AT LEAST 1500, oh.. and another ice cream cone. mmm.
EVEN with this disgusting food, there are a couple good things:
1. I'm still working out regularly
2. I'm making good choices within the bad ones
(mustard = no calories
low fat buns = 80 calories compared to 120
1/2cup ice cream = 120 with no sugar added
1/4th cup waffle syrup = 35 calories, sugar free)
3. I'm still staying vegetarian friendly :)
I would have never thought I'd say this but.. I almost bought a kit kat bar earlier today for 220 calories... i should have bought it.
I think the next two days, i'm definately aiming for 2,000 - 2,200 cals.
I'm scared if i don't meet my 1500 - 2000 range, my bod will go into starvation mode and keep the calories i don't need. UGH.
so, this brings me to my food of the day.. because organic blueberry waffles have already been the food of the is honorary today because it is the one serving of item that had the most calories today at 240 for two.
YOU ARE FOOD OF THE DAY! because you're taking one for the team.

NOW for the "love" portion of this entry.
It's not really love, but i'll call it that.. because it's something i would respond to if someone asked how my "love life" were going.
OKAY, so there's this guy at work right? He's kinda cute.. i guess.. he's really tall.. over 6', and he's older--way older. Which is good.. not like.. creepy older, but.. more mature, but not weird.. old. WHATEVer, LEts just SAY I've dating someone older than this guy before. OKAY. phew.
**edited 7/16 for privacy reasons**
Then the whole vibe of the conversation went.. weird. It wasn't so cool, and us chatting, it kinda just died. He kinda turned around and kept working. I wasn't sure if he just had to work, or like something made him want to stop talking to me. And i just.. left.
I dunno. I mean, I'm still super girly, you know? I do my hair once in a while, and i look cute sometimes.
Due to some events in the past, i'm not really looking for another pussy-guy, and if a guy is turned off to me gaming? That's a pussy-guy. Soo.. i dunno. I dunno.