Rantings of a College Schoolgirl


Friday, August 15, 2008

A survey I .. for some reason enjoyed.

Finish the sentence

Lately my heart is... slowly filling up

I think girls are... lame, unless they're one of my besties. :)

I think guys are... pretty disgusting/lame.. unless they're one of my guy besties, lol :) (yooouuu know whooo yoouuu arrreee)

I'm so scared of... jamming my toe on a corner of something when i'm half asleep.

My best physical feature is... i'm not sure, YOU TELL ME.
Chris. I shall chk out your bootie next time, because i'm not sure that it qualifies as "ghetto".

My best friends are... obviously, the best.

All of my friends are... their own individual

When I grow up I want to... make sure the mistakes i've made along the way have come full circle, and my new knowledge brings me to a good place in life.

I wish I could go back in time and... ride a Pterodactyl. I'm not even lying.

I really miss... the sushi i had earlier. I wish i could puke it up, and eat it again... in its original form.

I always smile when... i'm with good company.

My friends tell me I am... so weird.
me: "Alright c6-h12-o6, i'll talk to you later."
Jewdy: ".... what?"
me: "Oh, it's the chemical formula for sugar."
Jewdy: "YOU ARE SUCH A NERD, I love it."

My job is... my second family. :)

I hope that... my move from the first floor to the second, with a new manager doesn't suck so bad tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to... hanging out with good friends before school starts.

My mom is... super asian.

My dad is... pretty flippin awesome.

My favorite song is... the one i currently have on repeat, until a different song comes along.

My favorite scent is... my boyfriend after a shower at my place. Wait.... I guess i would have to say my shampoo? cause thats what he uses.

My favorite alcoholic drink is... Saaangriiaaa

When I get really drunk I... talk like a little girl, and laugh... a lot.

I feel lonely when... i get bored with no one around.

I have been in love... period.

The number of times my heart was broken is... enumerable.

The number of times I've broken someone else's heart is... no idea.

I have had sex with... your mom, last night.

The last person I slept with... makes me "LOL" when I think about them.

In the opposite sex, the biggest turn on is... good sense of humor, good smile, and nerdily romantic.
"I bought you AppStore for your iPod touch" - Justin, the good sense of humor, good smile, nerdy bf. lol

In the opposite sex, the biggest turn off is... bad communication and lack of romance/imagination.

The sweetest thing I've ever done for someone is... random suprises for no particular reason other than to see my significant other smile

The sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me is... remember things i say in brief conversation, then act upon it later

My biggest pet peeve is... when people hit the brakes on their car before the turn signal. hello. there is a turn signal for a reason.

I'm really good at ... laughing.

I'm really bad at... ..... .... not laughing. hahahaha, oh snaps.

My guilty pleasure is... teen/tween movies (Aquamarine, Sleepover, HSM 1 & 2 hahaha), Shes The Man, Sydney White)

It really makes me sad when... i watch season finales. Those script writers are very devious.

I really wish I didn't... have to pay for tuition. Thank God my job is going to start paying for it soon.

I'm addicted to... chocolate.

Recently, I have learned that... not all relationships are hard work.

Honestly, I think that...i should definitely go to sleep.

The person I love the most is... no one in particular right now. This statement would have to apply to "other than family" because, that's a no brainer. So i guess.. the closest is Justin. I like him the most, we're not quite to that.. other L word yet..

The person I hate the most is... :)

My last relationship ended because...I made him a priority, and he made me an option.

Honestly, I think my ex... lost the best thing he will ever, ever have.

If I had one wish it would be... for me to aquire a kazillion million trillion dollars.

1. I wouldn't work, and finish school.
2. I would give money away to family/friends (need based first, then how they have impacted my life, then to good friends for the hell of it - yes, i have thought of a tier of how to spread the money lol)
3. I would give money away to non-profits that are trying to gain supporters, small community projects, and less publicized charities.
4. I would start a scholarship.
5. Start my own non-profit called D.I.R.T. (Digging Into Reading Together) to help illiteracy in schools, as well as adults.
6. I would buy a modest loft/condo in a place that I could always come back to.
7. Travel the world.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Laundry Mat

The pile of clothes that needed to be washed was so intense that I literally moved them all to a different room so I would have a place to sleep.
The roommate took the washer and dryer, so I haven't done laundry in oh, about a month? Pretty yummy, right?

I took a different route than I normally would have to get to the "COIN WASH".
The machines there were a little more expensive than the other mat I went to before, which in comparison to Coin Wash, was open, wet with humidity, still sticky air and loud with Telemundo.
Coin Wash was awesome.
It was closed in and air conditioned, had a classic arcade game machine, and was quiet. The machines were a little more expensive, but I gladly paid the extra dollar for the A/C and comfort.
After loading my towels in a small machine, and a ton of different colored clothing in a large machine, I sat on a bench, by myself in the mat.
I was completely content. I switched on the iPod, and after playing about 15 seconds of a song, i deemed it a really good time to start reading Twilight.
Only after two games of Galaga, which were a quarter each, did i start Twilight. (Galaga is my favorite classic arcade game EVAR)
I ended up reading 43 pages during the duration of my laundry mat stay.
While reading, the part of my mind that wasn't concentrating on the story line was completely impressed with how overly content i was sitting alone in a laundry mat. I was curled up on a wooden bench, sipping on Sunkist and nibbling on stale Green Apple sour punch straws.
And I was happy. Very happy.

The past couple of weeks have gone by so fast. I have a new work schedule (almost fulltime), I am about to start school, and I have a boyfriend. Yeah! I totally do, lol. And I didn't think about any of these while I was in the laundry mat.
My mind was clear and I didn't feel any worries, any anger or anxiety about anything. Because truthfully, I am always hating SOMETHING, complaining about something.. judging something, rating something, comparing something. Just thinking about how something could be better, or how something could get worse.
And for the first time in weeks I felt great, and clear.

Granted this summer is one of the best ones I have had.. ever.
I took control of my own feelings about a past relationship and worked on it.
I worked out a lot and met my goal of buying a pair of new jeans in a smaller size.
I got a hair cut, which.. in a way i'm still getting used to.
And I met Justin, who is pretty damn awesome.
And I didn't run away from home this time. I didn't pool my money to fly across the states to get that one week of 'freedom', I didn't fly to NY to lose myself in the city and feel like i'm contributing to a community, I didn't stay ridiculous amounts of time in Orlando to pretend that Tampa never existed.
I stayed here and toughed it out.
I was really just running away from myself. I'm still learning how to live with myself.

p.s. Regina Spektors "Fidelity" is running in my head like a continuous treadmill.
Right now it's going for marathon status, I just can't get it out. And i don't want it to.