For those of you AVID readers of my blog...........
You've noticed that I haven't really kept up with my weight progression on the meter over head (with the hula girl, and the beach). That's because there HASN'T been any progression what so ever.
Until of course, today.
I started to see a doctor, and I started a diet today. I go to the doctor at least once a week, to make sure that i'm keeping up with the rigorous schedule of diet and excersize.
SO.. Day one of new diet....
I went to the doctor and went grocery shopping with the boyfriend.
We ate lunch, then hung out, and I had to go grocery shopping again (because the first place didn't have all that i needed)
Ate dinner, and we then went for a walk around the neighborhood. And i believe this was my first walk since the last time i wrote about walking. ...
which if you back track entries, i'm sure you'll notice is over a month ago.. actually... two months ago.
But Justin, my boyfriend, is possible the best motivator and support EVER.
Speaking of two months, yesterday was our two month mensiversary.
he bought me flowers, and made dinner. :)
I've already THOUGHT about straying from this diet, maybe having a cheat night a week.. lol. but he put his foot down, and is totally adamant on me following this schedule. He even went to the doctor with me! awwww. :)
I love him.
Hopefully this entry is a sign that I will be posting more often... muahahaha.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My week starts on a Tuesday.
8:00am ...............Wake up @ Justins and shower
9:00am................ Leave for USF
9:30-10:45am......Human Variation w/Dr. Madrigal
11:00-12:15pm.....Intro. to Urban Science
12:30-1:45pm......Anthropological Linguistics
2:00-3:15pm.......Cultural Anthropology
3:15-4:00.............Haul ass to work
This schedule is a balancing act, and sometimes i need a railing on hold on to, but even that wants me to hold it up.
8:00am ...............Wake up @ Justins and shower
9:00am................ Leave for USF
9:30-10:45am......Human Variation w/Dr. Madrigal
11:00-12:15pm.....Intro. to Urban Science
12:30-1:45pm......Anthropological Linguistics
2:00-3:15pm.......Cultural Anthropology
3:15-4:00.............Haul ass to work
8:00am................Wake Up
8:30-sleep...........A little TV, more homework
8:00am ...............Wake up @ Justins and shower
9:00am................ Leave for USF
9:30-10:45am......Human Variation w/Dr. Madrigal
11:00-12:15pm.....Intro. to Urban Science
12:30-1:45pm......Anthropological Linguistics
2:00-3:15pm.......Cultural Anthropology
3:15-4:00.............Haul ass to work
8:00am ...............Wake up @ Justins and shower
9:00am................ Leave for USF
9:30-10:45am......Human Variation w/Dr. Madrigal
11:00-12:15pm.....Intro. to Urban Science
12:30-1:45pm......Anthropological Linguistics
2:00-3:15pm.......Cultural Anthropology
3:15-4:00.............Haul ass to work
8:00am................Wake Up
8:30-sleep...........A little TV, more homework
7:45am.................Wake up
2:30pm-?............Meet up with study groups, and groups for research papers and presentations
? - sleep...............SLEEP
8:00am...............Wake up
2:00pm-?............Meet up with study groups, and groups for research papers and presentations
Monday: (tentative)
8:30am................Wake up
9:30-10:30am.....Big Brothers, Big Sisters @ Sulpher Springs Elem.
11:00am-1pm......Donate platelets at Florida Blood Srvs (bi-weekly)
1:30pm-Sleep......FREE TIME/errands/laundry
Someone please tell me this work eventually comes to fruition...
This schedule is a balancing act, and sometimes i need a railing on hold on to, but even that wants me to hold it up.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I can't believe how long I haven't written for. My badskies!
School started two weeks ago, it's gone by so fast, I can barely believe how deep into school work I am already in.
I've been reading a lot, as much as I can anyway, to catch up to all the school work. It's really a lot more reading than anything, and any article projects or research papers are mostly group work.
The first week of school I was invited by the department head to come to the prepping of some biological anthropology labs. I originally expressed my interest in coming to a regular lab during one of the classes, and I just shadow the DNA lab, but I received an e-mail inviting me to the prepping, which includes instructors and grad students working on the labs instead of the students, which is awesome.
There was on grad student who wasn't so warmed up on my presence of the prepping. She was kinda rude.. really rude for no apparent reason. Maybe because she was asian and she saw me as competition? haha that would be funny. But she is a 3rd year grad student, and I am just a senior undergrad. She bluntly asked what I was doing there, and Melissa (the department heads TA, who i've been corresponding with all summer) said that I was invited. I tried to be nice to this bitchy asian girl, and asked her where she went for her undergrad, and she's like.. "washington, uh gwu, if you know where that is"
EW I TOTALLY KNOW WHERE THAT IS, in D.C.? This really awesome school that only everyone has heard of? but apparently they produce bitches like YYOOUUUU.
Whatever, so there was Bitchy Asian girl, Melissa, Casey (another grad student) and Rhonda (2nd year PhD student).
When I left after the prepper of the DNA lab, i called back "see you tomorrow in class!" (mind you this was before class started) and Melissa replied.
While walking away I heard Casey, Bitchy Asian and Melissa talking:
Casey: What class do you have together?
Melissa: Human Variation
Casey: oh im in that too
Bitchy Asian: How did she get in that class? I thought It was a graduate class
Casey: Yeah
Melissa: Dr. Madrigal requested her to be in it
Silence is Golden.
oh yeah, i'm a Senior now.. finally. Granted a super senior, but i'm working my way up and hopefully getting into grad school now. phew.
see ya guys :)
School started two weeks ago, it's gone by so fast, I can barely believe how deep into school work I am already in.
I've been reading a lot, as much as I can anyway, to catch up to all the school work. It's really a lot more reading than anything, and any article projects or research papers are mostly group work.
The first week of school I was invited by the department head to come to the prepping of some biological anthropology labs. I originally expressed my interest in coming to a regular lab during one of the classes, and I just shadow the DNA lab, but I received an e-mail inviting me to the prepping, which includes instructors and grad students working on the labs instead of the students, which is awesome.
There was on grad student who wasn't so warmed up on my presence of the prepping. She was kinda rude.. really rude for no apparent reason. Maybe because she was asian and she saw me as competition? haha that would be funny. But she is a 3rd year grad student, and I am just a senior undergrad. She bluntly asked what I was doing there, and Melissa (the department heads TA, who i've been corresponding with all summer) said that I was invited. I tried to be nice to this bitchy asian girl, and asked her where she went for her undergrad, and she's like.. "washington, uh gwu, if you know where that is"
EW I TOTALLY KNOW WHERE THAT IS, in D.C.? This really awesome school that only everyone has heard of? but apparently they produce bitches like YYOOUUUU.
Whatever, so there was Bitchy Asian girl, Melissa, Casey (another grad student) and Rhonda (2nd year PhD student).
When I left after the prepper of the DNA lab, i called back "see you tomorrow in class!" (mind you this was before class started) and Melissa replied.
While walking away I heard Casey, Bitchy Asian and Melissa talking:
Casey: What class do you have together?
Melissa: Human Variation
Casey: oh im in that too
Bitchy Asian: How did she get in that class? I thought It was a graduate class
Casey: Yeah
Melissa: Dr. Madrigal requested her to be in it
Silence is Golden.
oh yeah, i'm a Senior now.. finally. Granted a super senior, but i'm working my way up and hopefully getting into grad school now. phew.
see ya guys :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
A survey I .. for some reason enjoyed.
Finish the sentence
Lately my heart is... slowly filling up
I think girls are... lame, unless they're one of my besties. :)
I think guys are... pretty disgusting/lame.. unless they're one of my guy besties, lol :) (yooouuu know whooo yoouuu arrreee)
I'm so scared of... jamming my toe on a corner of something when i'm half asleep.
My best physical feature is... i'm not sure, YOU TELL ME.
Chris. I shall chk out your bootie next time, because i'm not sure that it qualifies as "ghetto".
My best friends are... obviously, the best.
All of my friends are... their own individual
When I grow up I want to... make sure the mistakes i've made along the way have come full circle, and my new knowledge brings me to a good place in life.
I wish I could go back in time and... ride a Pterodactyl. I'm not even lying.
I really miss... the sushi i had earlier. I wish i could puke it up, and eat it again... in its original form.
I always smile when... i'm with good company.
My friends tell me I am... so weird.
me: "Alright c6-h12-o6, i'll talk to you later."
Jewdy: ".... what?"
me: "Oh, it's the chemical formula for sugar."
Jewdy: "YOU ARE SUCH A NERD, I love it."
My job is... my second family. :)
I hope that... my move from the first floor to the second, with a new manager doesn't suck so bad tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to... hanging out with good friends before school starts.
My mom is... super asian.
My dad is... pretty flippin awesome.
My favorite song is... the one i currently have on repeat, until a different song comes along.
My favorite scent is... my boyfriend after a shower at my place. Wait.... I guess i would have to say my shampoo? cause thats what he uses.
My favorite alcoholic drink is... Saaangriiaaa
When I get really drunk I... talk like a little girl, and laugh... a lot.
I feel lonely when... i get bored with no one around.
I have been in love... period.
The number of times my heart was broken is... enumerable.
The number of times I've broken someone else's heart is... no idea.
I have had sex with... your mom, last night.
The last person I slept with... makes me "LOL" when I think about them.
In the opposite sex, the biggest turn on is... good sense of humor, good smile, and nerdily romantic.
"I bought you AppStore for your iPod touch" - Justin, the good sense of humor, good smile, nerdy bf. lol
In the opposite sex, the biggest turn off is... bad communication and lack of romance/imagination.
The sweetest thing I've ever done for someone is... random suprises for no particular reason other than to see my significant other smile
The sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me is... remember things i say in brief conversation, then act upon it later
My biggest pet peeve is... when people hit the brakes on their car before the turn signal. hello. there is a turn signal for a reason.
I'm really good at ... laughing.
I'm really bad at... ..... .... not laughing. hahahaha, oh snaps.
My guilty pleasure is... teen/tween movies (Aquamarine, Sleepover, HSM 1 & 2 hahaha), Shes The Man, Sydney White)
It really makes me sad when... i watch season finales. Those script writers are very devious.
I really wish I didn't... have to pay for tuition. Thank God my job is going to start paying for it soon.
I'm addicted to... chocolate.
Recently, I have learned that... not all relationships are hard work.
Honestly, I think that...i should definitely go to sleep.
The person I love the most is... no one in particular right now. This statement would have to apply to "other than family" because, that's a no brainer. So i guess.. the closest is Justin. I like him the most, we're not quite to that.. other L word yet..
The person I hate the most is... :)
My last relationship ended because...I made him a priority, and he made me an option.
Honestly, I think my ex... lost the best thing he will ever, ever have.
If I had one wish it would be... for me to aquire a kazillion million trillion dollars.
1. I wouldn't work, and finish school.
2. I would give money away to family/friends (need based first, then how they have impacted my life, then to good friends for the hell of it - yes, i have thought of a tier of how to spread the money lol)
3. I would give money away to non-profits that are trying to gain supporters, small community projects, and less publicized charities.
4. I would start a scholarship.
5. Start my own non-profit called D.I.R.T. (Digging Into Reading Together) to help illiteracy in schools, as well as adults.
6. I would buy a modest loft/condo in a place that I could always come back to.
7. Travel the world.
Lately my heart is... slowly filling up
I think girls are... lame, unless they're one of my besties. :)
I think guys are... pretty disgusting/lame.. unless they're one of my guy besties, lol :) (yooouuu know whooo yoouuu arrreee)
I'm so scared of... jamming my toe on a corner of something when i'm half asleep.
My best physical feature is... i'm not sure, YOU TELL ME.
Chris. I shall chk out your bootie next time, because i'm not sure that it qualifies as "ghetto".
My best friends are... obviously, the best.
All of my friends are... their own individual
When I grow up I want to... make sure the mistakes i've made along the way have come full circle, and my new knowledge brings me to a good place in life.
I wish I could go back in time and... ride a Pterodactyl. I'm not even lying.
I really miss... the sushi i had earlier. I wish i could puke it up, and eat it again... in its original form.
I always smile when... i'm with good company.
My friends tell me I am... so weird.
me: "Alright c6-h12-o6, i'll talk to you later."
Jewdy: ".... what?"
me: "Oh, it's the chemical formula for sugar."
Jewdy: "YOU ARE SUCH A NERD, I love it."
My job is... my second family. :)
I hope that... my move from the first floor to the second, with a new manager doesn't suck so bad tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to... hanging out with good friends before school starts.
My mom is... super asian.
My dad is... pretty flippin awesome.
My favorite song is... the one i currently have on repeat, until a different song comes along.
My favorite scent is... my boyfriend after a shower at my place. Wait.... I guess i would have to say my shampoo? cause thats what he uses.
My favorite alcoholic drink is... Saaangriiaaa
When I get really drunk I... talk like a little girl, and laugh... a lot.
I feel lonely when... i get bored with no one around.
I have been in love... period.
The number of times my heart was broken is... enumerable.
The number of times I've broken someone else's heart is... no idea.
I have had sex with... your mom, last night.
The last person I slept with... makes me "LOL" when I think about them.
In the opposite sex, the biggest turn on is... good sense of humor, good smile, and nerdily romantic.
"I bought you AppStore for your iPod touch" - Justin, the good sense of humor, good smile, nerdy bf. lol
In the opposite sex, the biggest turn off is... bad communication and lack of romance/imagination.
The sweetest thing I've ever done for someone is... random suprises for no particular reason other than to see my significant other smile
The sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me is... remember things i say in brief conversation, then act upon it later
My biggest pet peeve is... when people hit the brakes on their car before the turn signal. hello. there is a turn signal for a reason.
I'm really good at ... laughing.
I'm really bad at... ..... .... not laughing. hahahaha, oh snaps.
My guilty pleasure is... teen/tween movies (Aquamarine, Sleepover, HSM 1 & 2 hahaha), Shes The Man, Sydney White)
It really makes me sad when... i watch season finales. Those script writers are very devious.
I really wish I didn't... have to pay for tuition. Thank God my job is going to start paying for it soon.
I'm addicted to... chocolate.
Recently, I have learned that... not all relationships are hard work.
Honestly, I think that...i should definitely go to sleep.
The person I love the most is... no one in particular right now. This statement would have to apply to "other than family" because, that's a no brainer. So i guess.. the closest is Justin. I like him the most, we're not quite to that.. other L word yet..
The person I hate the most is... :)
My last relationship ended because...I made him a priority, and he made me an option.
Honestly, I think my ex... lost the best thing he will ever, ever have.
If I had one wish it would be... for me to aquire a kazillion million trillion dollars.
1. I wouldn't work, and finish school.
2. I would give money away to family/friends (need based first, then how they have impacted my life, then to good friends for the hell of it - yes, i have thought of a tier of how to spread the money lol)
3. I would give money away to non-profits that are trying to gain supporters, small community projects, and less publicized charities.
4. I would start a scholarship.
5. Start my own non-profit called D.I.R.T. (Digging Into Reading Together) to help illiteracy in schools, as well as adults.
6. I would buy a modest loft/condo in a place that I could always come back to.
7. Travel the world.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Laundry Mat
The pile of clothes that needed to be washed was so intense that I literally moved them all to a different room so I would have a place to sleep.
The roommate took the washer and dryer, so I haven't done laundry in oh, about a month? Pretty yummy, right?
I took a different route than I normally would have to get to the "COIN WASH".
The machines there were a little more expensive than the other mat I went to before, which in comparison to Coin Wash, was open, wet with humidity, still sticky air and loud with Telemundo.
Coin Wash was awesome.
It was closed in and air conditioned, had a classic arcade game machine, and was quiet. The machines were a little more expensive, but I gladly paid the extra dollar for the A/C and comfort.
After loading my towels in a small machine, and a ton of different colored clothing in a large machine, I sat on a bench, by myself in the mat.
I was completely content. I switched on the iPod, and after playing about 15 seconds of a song, i deemed it a really good time to start reading Twilight.
Only after two games of Galaga, which were a quarter each, did i start Twilight. (Galaga is my favorite classic arcade game EVAR)
I ended up reading 43 pages during the duration of my laundry mat stay.
While reading, the part of my mind that wasn't concentrating on the story line was completely impressed with how overly content i was sitting alone in a laundry mat. I was curled up on a wooden bench, sipping on Sunkist and nibbling on stale Green Apple sour punch straws.
And I was happy. Very happy.
The past couple of weeks have gone by so fast. I have a new work schedule (almost fulltime), I am about to start school, and I have a boyfriend. Yeah! I totally do, lol. And I didn't think about any of these while I was in the laundry mat.
My mind was clear and I didn't feel any worries, any anger or anxiety about anything. Because truthfully, I am always hating SOMETHING, complaining about something.. judging something, rating something, comparing something. Just thinking about how something could be better, or how something could get worse.
And for the first time in weeks I felt great, and clear.
Granted this summer is one of the best ones I have had.. ever.
I took control of my own feelings about a past relationship and worked on it.
I worked out a lot and met my goal of buying a pair of new jeans in a smaller size.
I got a hair cut, which.. in a way i'm still getting used to.
And I met Justin, who is pretty damn awesome.
And I didn't run away from home this time. I didn't pool my money to fly across the states to get that one week of 'freedom', I didn't fly to NY to lose myself in the city and feel like i'm contributing to a community, I didn't stay ridiculous amounts of time in Orlando to pretend that Tampa never existed.
I stayed here and toughed it out.
I was really just running away from myself. I'm still learning how to live with myself.
p.s. Regina Spektors "Fidelity" is running in my head like a continuous treadmill.
Right now it's going for marathon status, I just can't get it out. And i don't want it to.
The roommate took the washer and dryer, so I haven't done laundry in oh, about a month? Pretty yummy, right?
I took a different route than I normally would have to get to the "COIN WASH".
The machines there were a little more expensive than the other mat I went to before, which in comparison to Coin Wash, was open, wet with humidity, still sticky air and loud with Telemundo.
Coin Wash was awesome.
It was closed in and air conditioned, had a classic arcade game machine, and was quiet. The machines were a little more expensive, but I gladly paid the extra dollar for the A/C and comfort.
After loading my towels in a small machine, and a ton of different colored clothing in a large machine, I sat on a bench, by myself in the mat.
I was completely content. I switched on the iPod, and after playing about 15 seconds of a song, i deemed it a really good time to start reading Twilight.
Only after two games of Galaga, which were a quarter each, did i start Twilight. (Galaga is my favorite classic arcade game EVAR)
I ended up reading 43 pages during the duration of my laundry mat stay.
While reading, the part of my mind that wasn't concentrating on the story line was completely impressed with how overly content i was sitting alone in a laundry mat. I was curled up on a wooden bench, sipping on Sunkist and nibbling on stale Green Apple sour punch straws.
And I was happy. Very happy.
The past couple of weeks have gone by so fast. I have a new work schedule (almost fulltime), I am about to start school, and I have a boyfriend. Yeah! I totally do, lol. And I didn't think about any of these while I was in the laundry mat.
My mind was clear and I didn't feel any worries, any anger or anxiety about anything. Because truthfully, I am always hating SOMETHING, complaining about something.. judging something, rating something, comparing something. Just thinking about how something could be better, or how something could get worse.
And for the first time in weeks I felt great, and clear.
Granted this summer is one of the best ones I have had.. ever.
I took control of my own feelings about a past relationship and worked on it.
I worked out a lot and met my goal of buying a pair of new jeans in a smaller size.
I got a hair cut, which.. in a way i'm still getting used to.
And I met Justin, who is pretty damn awesome.
And I didn't run away from home this time. I didn't pool my money to fly across the states to get that one week of 'freedom', I didn't fly to NY to lose myself in the city and feel like i'm contributing to a community, I didn't stay ridiculous amounts of time in Orlando to pretend that Tampa never existed.
I stayed here and toughed it out.
I was really just running away from myself. I'm still learning how to live with myself.
p.s. Regina Spektors "Fidelity" is running in my head like a continuous treadmill.
Right now it's going for marathon status, I just can't get it out. And i don't want it to.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Hip Hip.. Hip Hip
I've been really bad these past couple of weeks. Bad as in with my work outs, and my diet.
This whole past week I think i've eaten pizza 4 out of the 6 nights? OH YEAH. hahaha.
There is some good news though. New workout dvd came in today, "The Surfers Workout" apparently it works your arms and your core HARD. Which sounds like fun. I just finished cleaning my kitchen, now to the room, then my workout with a nice night of relaxation.
OH more good news. I got a compliment from another co-worker about how she thinks i'm losing weight, hoorah! haha. I like when people notice things i don't. Oh and..
One more good news is that I bought a new pair of jeans yesterday and I totally had to buy them a size smaller. This was actually one of my main goals when the summer started: buying a pair of jeans before school that was a size smaller. CHECK. hahaha, yay.
Not good new for Ruby. She has an eye ulcer?! And i took her to the vet which cost me of a hundred bucks (with discount because i used her insurance). I have to put this neosporin texture-like substance in her eye 5 times a day, two different types of meds. One of them i am required to wear gloves that the vet provided me with. *sigh* And this goes on for two weeks or until medicine runs out. Her eye is all dialated and blue, it's creeping me out.
What is NOT helping me out is that my old roommate took the washer and dryer today. PHOOEY. I wanted to run a couple loads before he took them. I'm back to the coin laundry unless I want to haul my shit to the 'rents place and back. UGH. LAME. UGH. Thinking about the hot coin laundry is making me poopie. I hope the 'rents decide to invest in those sweetass w/d combos that save water and energy. I might start leaving hints around the house, lol.
I don't work on Tuesday which is grand because it cutes my workweek down to 4 days. Supposedly I am spending some time with the Justin on tuesday then I'm off to meet up with Ben so we can go to the Flobots concert. SO EXCITED.
I haven't been to a show in a while, and I hope they're just as awesome live as they are on their albums.
Well.. enough procrastinating. To the room to clean I go.
This whole past week I think i've eaten pizza 4 out of the 6 nights? OH YEAH. hahaha.
There is some good news though. New workout dvd came in today, "The Surfers Workout" apparently it works your arms and your core HARD. Which sounds like fun. I just finished cleaning my kitchen, now to the room, then my workout with a nice night of relaxation.
OH more good news. I got a compliment from another co-worker about how she thinks i'm losing weight, hoorah! haha. I like when people notice things i don't. Oh and..
One more good news is that I bought a new pair of jeans yesterday and I totally had to buy them a size smaller. This was actually one of my main goals when the summer started: buying a pair of jeans before school that was a size smaller. CHECK. hahaha, yay.
Not good new for Ruby. She has an eye ulcer?! And i took her to the vet which cost me of a hundred bucks (with discount because i used her insurance). I have to put this neosporin texture-like substance in her eye 5 times a day, two different types of meds. One of them i am required to wear gloves that the vet provided me with. *sigh* And this goes on for two weeks or until medicine runs out. Her eye is all dialated and blue, it's creeping me out.
What is NOT helping me out is that my old roommate took the washer and dryer today. PHOOEY. I wanted to run a couple loads before he took them. I'm back to the coin laundry unless I want to haul my shit to the 'rents place and back. UGH. LAME. UGH. Thinking about the hot coin laundry is making me poopie. I hope the 'rents decide to invest in those sweetass w/d combos that save water and energy. I might start leaving hints around the house, lol.
I don't work on Tuesday which is grand because it cutes my workweek down to 4 days. Supposedly I am spending some time with the Justin on tuesday then I'm off to meet up with Ben so we can go to the Flobots concert. SO EXCITED.
I haven't been to a show in a while, and I hope they're just as awesome live as they are on their albums.
Well.. enough procrastinating. To the room to clean I go.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Where the HELL have I been?
I know Alexis, you TOTALLY miss me, lol.
Well a couple of things have happened since I last wrote in this wonderful means of of a cathartic method.
When was the last time i wrote? oh, who knows.
Lets go to the day of FlugTag, shall we?
Step one of the Red Bull Flug Tag: Get to the location
**on my way to pick up Chris DeLicious, Josh and Grayson, i get pulled over for speeding. (i'm such a badass).
Officer Rookie tells me that he clocked me at 18mph over the speed limit. That my ticket is going to run me at approximately $250. OH but because it's in an active construction zone.. it's going to be about $400. LOL. OH SHIT.
But he leaves me with a warning. Who could resist this innocent face? really.
Step Two of Red Bull Flug Tag: HAVE FUN.
** and we did, even though we saw limited amount of flights. There was a MetroCon going on at the same time in the same venue, sooo... haha we hung out with those geeks, as the following shows.



Step Three of RedBull Flug Tag: After Events!
**As you can see in the pictures, we were HOT AS FUCK. It was so hot out there, so we decided to leave the even at about 2:30pm. We decided we wanted to see Dark Knight, the knew Batman flick before it sells out for the night. We take the trolly over to Ybor, buy our movie tickets.. and before we watch the movie we decided to drop off our awesome costumes at my car.
oh yeah, the day was going swimmingly until we discovered THIS:

btw, thats my car. Oh, and the door was closed.... evidence was compromised. *sigh*
We returned the movie tickets and went home. Christopher helped me clean my car and his mom made us dinner, and his dad drove out and bought us candy. lol... OH and his dad did this for me.

Have I ever expressed my love to the DeLoucas Family? So much love. lol.
And with the boys suggestion, I bought some lotto tickets and a slurpee to at lease end my day on a better note.:)
I love my boys.

oh, P.S. copy the pictures if you want. I didn't win shit. LOL.
But someone did win.... (whoah suspense! where the fuck did that come from?)
And his name is Justin. I've been talking to this dude for a little bit now, and i'm completely over my head with happiness. He's super sweet, kind, caring and a TOTAL NERD lol. He's so cute, and he totally won my heart. lol
And i send him cute things like this while im at work:

:) i'll try to update more regularly, so sorry! :)
Well a couple of things have happened since I last wrote in this wonderful means of of a cathartic method.
When was the last time i wrote? oh, who knows.
Lets go to the day of FlugTag, shall we?
Step one of the Red Bull Flug Tag: Get to the location
**on my way to pick up Chris DeLicious, Josh and Grayson, i get pulled over for speeding. (i'm such a badass).
Officer Rookie tells me that he clocked me at 18mph over the speed limit. That my ticket is going to run me at approximately $250. OH but because it's in an active construction zone.. it's going to be about $400. LOL. OH SHIT.
But he leaves me with a warning. Who could resist this innocent face? really.
Step Two of Red Bull Flug Tag: HAVE FUN.
** and we did, even though we saw limited amount of flights. There was a MetroCon going on at the same time in the same venue, sooo... haha we hung out with those geeks, as the following shows.
Step Three of RedBull Flug Tag: After Events!
**As you can see in the pictures, we were HOT AS FUCK. It was so hot out there, so we decided to leave the even at about 2:30pm. We decided we wanted to see Dark Knight, the knew Batman flick before it sells out for the night. We take the trolly over to Ybor, buy our movie tickets.. and before we watch the movie we decided to drop off our awesome costumes at my car.
oh yeah, the day was going swimmingly until we discovered THIS:
btw, thats my car. Oh, and the door was closed.... evidence was compromised. *sigh*
We returned the movie tickets and went home. Christopher helped me clean my car and his mom made us dinner, and his dad drove out and bought us candy. lol... OH and his dad did this for me.
Have I ever expressed my love to the DeLoucas Family? So much love. lol.
And with the boys suggestion, I bought some lotto tickets and a slurpee to at lease end my day on a better note.:)
I love my boys.
oh, P.S. copy the pictures if you want. I didn't win shit. LOL.
But someone did win.... (whoah suspense! where the fuck did that come from?)
And his name is Justin. I've been talking to this dude for a little bit now, and i'm completely over my head with happiness. He's super sweet, kind, caring and a TOTAL NERD lol. He's so cute, and he totally won my heart. lol
And i send him cute things like this while im at work:
:) i'll try to update more regularly, so sorry! :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
lol this is ridiculous.
i joined a dating website.
they even gave me my own test (with questions ive answered on the website)
so other people can take it and see how much they match me.
Take a look.. lol
i joined a dating website.
they even gave me my own test (with questions ive answered on the website)
so other people can take it and see how much they match me.
Take a look.. lol
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What a busy week! And it's only getting more busy..
HAY! So i got to see my brother, Hil and little marcus this past week which is totally awesome. I helped move, and it was grand. On my way home to Tampa, my friend Matt (from GA) was staying at the Gaylord Palms resort so i got to stop by there and spent the day with him, his sister and his mom.
For those of you who don't know, I met matt in D.C. when we were there for a government forum (defense, intelligence and diplomacy). We were in the same group because of our last names (how lucky!) And we totally hit it off. We spent the week together there,, and i figured i wouldn't really meet some long term friends during a week forum.. but i met Matt. We kept in touch like BFF's, and he even drove down to Jacksonville once when I was living over there. Technically, including this past week.. we've only hung out 3 times total in our 4 year friendship. Cool, huh? And we take a pic together every time we see each other, which is every other year- i'm always on the right, him on the left. One could only be so blessed with a good long-distant friendship like this.
2004 - Washington, D.C.

2006 - Jacksonville, FL

and last but not least,
2008 - Gaylord Palms Resort, Kissimmee, FL

oh, and an extra picture of us being badass bikers
For those of you who don't know, I met matt in D.C. when we were there for a government forum (defense, intelligence and diplomacy). We were in the same group because of our last names (how lucky!) And we totally hit it off. We spent the week together there,, and i figured i wouldn't really meet some long term friends during a week forum.. but i met Matt. We kept in touch like BFF's, and he even drove down to Jacksonville once when I was living over there. Technically, including this past week.. we've only hung out 3 times total in our 4 year friendship. Cool, huh? And we take a pic together every time we see each other, which is every other year- i'm always on the right, him on the left. One could only be so blessed with a good long-distant friendship like this.
2004 - Washington, D.C.
2006 - Jacksonville, FL
and last but not least,
2008 - Gaylord Palms Resort, Kissimmee, FL
oh, and an extra picture of us being badass bikers
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Just a super short update
....because i already wrote an entry for today.
1. Ruby is sick. :( I think she got something from that stupid dog my mom is babysitting, Annie. Annie had the runs last week, now Ruby does. Ugh. But lucky for me, Ruby lets me know when she has to go out.. and when she has mini accidents (just really can't hold it in), i have some wicked awesome carpet cleaner. My poor baby :(
2. I got an awesome compliment today at work! This one chick said she can totally tell i'm losing weight because i'm 'disappearing'. don't take her word, because she is looney, and she's also worked at the company for 25 years. She asked me if it was because I became a vegetarian or if i was doing other things. I think i owe it all to Turbo Jam, for making sweating fun!
3. I kept a log of my inches a couple months ago, i.e. waist, hips, thighs, calfs, bicep, neck. And only today have i brought myself to measure up again. And needless to say, i'm pretty surprised that I lost on average between .5" - 2" on all places! CAN WE SAY, HOORAY?! lol. yay.
1. Ruby is sick. :( I think she got something from that stupid dog my mom is babysitting, Annie. Annie had the runs last week, now Ruby does. Ugh. But lucky for me, Ruby lets me know when she has to go out.. and when she has mini accidents (just really can't hold it in), i have some wicked awesome carpet cleaner. My poor baby :(
2. I got an awesome compliment today at work! This one chick said she can totally tell i'm losing weight because i'm 'disappearing'. don't take her word, because she is looney, and she's also worked at the company for 25 years. She asked me if it was because I became a vegetarian or if i was doing other things. I think i owe it all to Turbo Jam, for making sweating fun!
3. I kept a log of my inches a couple months ago, i.e. waist, hips, thighs, calfs, bicep, neck. And only today have i brought myself to measure up again. And needless to say, i'm pretty surprised that I lost on average between .5" - 2" on all places! CAN WE SAY, HOORAY?! lol. yay.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Yay! One Month Anniversary of Vegetarianism!
I'm glad it fell on a Saturday, because it just so happens that I got to go to the local Hydroponic Farm, picked some produce and had time to cook my first tofu dinner! YES!
I wanted to go to a local farm so I could support local food (as opposed to the same type of lettuce in Publix/WinnDixie that was shipped from Argentina and take 10x as much gas to get to the same place). Also hydroponic growing uses minimal amounts of water (tower planting), and minimal amounts of soil. Let me find a picture of hydroponic growing...
This is what it looks like. They give you a little bucket and a small pair of shears, and this is your grocery Aisle! It's so awesome. (There is a picture of my actual lettuce from dinner before i chopped it off in the below slideshow). Yeah, and i totally just handpicked some rosemary, and i got to choose my strawberries- by cutting them, not be looking through the plastic container looking for the box with minimal bruising. I still had to go to Sweetbay Supermarker afterwards for some extra stuff, and it made me sad looking at produce in their bags, all suffocating and shit.
So here is a slideshow of my dinner! If you place your cursor over the picture, it'll give you a description. OH And try to start with the picture of all the food laid out.
Just some small updates. Still working out likea fien. The more i workout with Chalene with Turbo Ja, the more i like her. It's an addicting workout.. but a good addicting not weird addicting. I just got a pilates video from Netflix, i'm kind of worried because i've never done pilates and it also has the word "burn" in the title. LOOK FORWARD TO IT... :) lol. Uh.. and here are some sorta old pictures from way earlier this month and .. earlier. Of course, highlight the picture if you want details on it.
I wanted to go to a local farm so I could support local food (as opposed to the same type of lettuce in Publix/WinnDixie that was shipped from Argentina and take 10x as much gas to get to the same place). Also hydroponic growing uses minimal amounts of water (tower planting), and minimal amounts of soil. Let me find a picture of hydroponic growing...
So here is a slideshow of my dinner! If you place your cursor over the picture, it'll give you a description. OH And try to start with the picture of all the food laid out.
Just some small updates. Still working out likea fien. The more i workout with Chalene with Turbo Ja, the more i like her. It's an addicting workout.. but a good addicting not weird addicting. I just got a pilates video from Netflix, i'm kind of worried because i've never done pilates and it also has the word "burn" in the title. LOOK FORWARD TO IT... :) lol. Uh.. and here are some sorta old pictures from way earlier this month and .. earlier. Of course, highlight the picture if you want details on it.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
So I kinda started doing weight watchers again.. with no help from the meetings. I still have my points counter from when I was with WW.
For a couple of days I actually took down my calorie intake as well as my points. HMM.
At my max amount of points for my weight, at 33. My caloric intake was only at 1,100. UM, should I be worried?! No wonder why people at WW drop weight like flies, they're eating so much under! Well, at least it's certified as healthy? Whatever. We'll see how things will go.
Another thing, my weight hasn't dropped a bit. Not even a little for the past couple of weeks. I can totally feel my clothes feeling more loose or whatnot, but THAT STUPID SCALE. That stupid scale..
Another thing is, a lot of people who have lost a significant amount of weight have told me that after a couple weeks of no noticable success, one day you'll wake up and be like "WTF? Where is the rest of my body?". I really hope that happens to me, lol. And I think that in the past the reason I never realized a weight loss is because I quit before that time came. Lame. Well.. i'm still in it to win it. I'm just getting really frustrated. :/
For a couple of days I actually took down my calorie intake as well as my points. HMM.
At my max amount of points for my weight, at 33. My caloric intake was only at 1,100. UM, should I be worried?! No wonder why people at WW drop weight like flies, they're eating so much under! Well, at least it's certified as healthy? Whatever. We'll see how things will go.
Another thing, my weight hasn't dropped a bit. Not even a little for the past couple of weeks. I can totally feel my clothes feeling more loose or whatnot, but THAT STUPID SCALE. That stupid scale..
Another thing is, a lot of people who have lost a significant amount of weight have told me that after a couple weeks of no noticable success, one day you'll wake up and be like "WTF? Where is the rest of my body?". I really hope that happens to me, lol. And I think that in the past the reason I never realized a weight loss is because I quit before that time came. Lame. Well.. i'm still in it to win it. I'm just getting really frustrated. :/
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Why did this make me tear up?
I'm such a girl. lol.
This is joshua and kaytee in So You Think You Can Dance season 4, doing a hip hop routine.
The set up is, is that kaytee is finding out for the first time that her man is leaving for Iraq the next day. I dunno.. i think i just like the blasian combo. lol *sigh*
ADDENDUM: 10:30pm. Same day.
I just watched the documentary Donkey Kong: A Fist Full of Quarters.
UH.. why did it make me tear? Here's a preview for the doc.. lol i cried when Steve Weibe cried. :( Me so lame. lol
This is joshua and kaytee in So You Think You Can Dance season 4, doing a hip hop routine.
The set up is, is that kaytee is finding out for the first time that her man is leaving for Iraq the next day. I dunno.. i think i just like the blasian combo. lol *sigh*
ADDENDUM: 10:30pm. Same day.
I just watched the documentary Donkey Kong: A Fist Full of Quarters.
UH.. why did it make me tear? Here's a preview for the doc.. lol i cried when Steve Weibe cried. :( Me so lame. lol
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Love? Wait, food comes first.
SO.. i've been a pig today.
But i'm still struggling to get to 1500 calories :(
Right now, at almost 10pm, I am at 1,290 for the day. WTF. And I've been eating really gross too, i think Im about to start my crimson wave (ifyaknowwhadimean).
I've had 2 burgers (with buns!), a hot dog, an ice cream cone (mmm cookies n cream) and waffles with syrup... so I'm actually in the process of baking fries (at 120 a serving), so i can catch up to AT LEAST 1500, oh.. and another ice cream cone. mmm.
EVEN with this disgusting food, there are a couple good things:
1. I'm still working out regularly
2. I'm making good choices within the bad ones
(mustard = no calories
low fat buns = 80 calories compared to 120
1/2cup ice cream = 120 with no sugar added
1/4th cup waffle syrup = 35 calories, sugar free)
3. I'm still staying vegetarian friendly :)
I would have never thought I'd say this but.. I almost bought a kit kat bar earlier today for 220 calories... i should have bought it.
I think the next two days, i'm definately aiming for 2,000 - 2,200 cals.
I'm scared if i don't meet my 1500 - 2000 range, my bod will go into starvation mode and keep the calories i don't need. UGH.
so, this brings me to my food of the day.. because organic blueberry waffles have already been the food of the is honorary today because it is the one serving of item that had the most calories today at 240 for two.
YOU ARE FOOD OF THE DAY! because you're taking one for the team.

NOW for the "love" portion of this entry.
It's not really love, but i'll call it that.. because it's something i would respond to if someone asked how my "love life" were going.
OKAY, so there's this guy at work right? He's kinda cute.. i guess.. he's really tall.. over 6', and he's older--way older. Which is good.. not like.. creepy older, but.. more mature, but not weird.. old. WHATEVer, LEts just SAY I've dating someone older than this guy before. OKAY. phew.
**edited 7/16 for privacy reasons**
Then the whole vibe of the conversation went.. weird. It wasn't so cool, and us chatting, it kinda just died. He kinda turned around and kept working. I wasn't sure if he just had to work, or like something made him want to stop talking to me. And i just.. left.
I dunno. I mean, I'm still super girly, you know? I do my hair once in a while, and i look cute sometimes.
Due to some events in the past, i'm not really looking for another pussy-guy, and if a guy is turned off to me gaming? That's a pussy-guy. Soo.. i dunno. I dunno.
But i'm still struggling to get to 1500 calories :(
Right now, at almost 10pm, I am at 1,290 for the day. WTF. And I've been eating really gross too, i think Im about to start my crimson wave (ifyaknowwhadimean).
I've had 2 burgers (with buns!), a hot dog, an ice cream cone (mmm cookies n cream) and waffles with syrup... so I'm actually in the process of baking fries (at 120 a serving), so i can catch up to AT LEAST 1500, oh.. and another ice cream cone. mmm.
EVEN with this disgusting food, there are a couple good things:
1. I'm still working out regularly
2. I'm making good choices within the bad ones
(mustard = no calories
low fat buns = 80 calories compared to 120
1/2cup ice cream = 120 with no sugar added
1/4th cup waffle syrup = 35 calories, sugar free)
3. I'm still staying vegetarian friendly :)
I would have never thought I'd say this but.. I almost bought a kit kat bar earlier today for 220 calories... i should have bought it.
I think the next two days, i'm definately aiming for 2,000 - 2,200 cals.
I'm scared if i don't meet my 1500 - 2000 range, my bod will go into starvation mode and keep the calories i don't need. UGH.
so, this brings me to my food of the day.. because organic blueberry waffles have already been the food of the is honorary today because it is the one serving of item that had the most calories today at 240 for two.
YOU ARE FOOD OF THE DAY! because you're taking one for the team.
NOW for the "love" portion of this entry.
It's not really love, but i'll call it that.. because it's something i would respond to if someone asked how my "love life" were going.
OKAY, so there's this guy at work right? He's kinda cute.. i guess.. he's really tall.. over 6', and he's older--way older. Which is good.. not like.. creepy older, but.. more mature, but not weird.. old. WHATEVer, LEts just SAY I've dating someone older than this guy before. OKAY. phew.
**edited 7/16 for privacy reasons**
Then the whole vibe of the conversation went.. weird. It wasn't so cool, and us chatting, it kinda just died. He kinda turned around and kept working. I wasn't sure if he just had to work, or like something made him want to stop talking to me. And i just.. left.
I dunno. I mean, I'm still super girly, you know? I do my hair once in a while, and i look cute sometimes.
Due to some events in the past, i'm not really looking for another pussy-guy, and if a guy is turned off to me gaming? That's a pussy-guy. Soo.. i dunno. I dunno.
Friday, June 13, 2008
So, i signed up for Netflix the other day where i can receive two DVD's at time. I figured, i'll get a workout video and a movie at a time! Sounds great right? So i received my first two: Failure to Launch, which i have already seen.. but i really like Zooey Deschannel in it, and Carmen Electras Striptease.
Okay, Carmen Eletra is SUPER CUTE in the DVD's, she's like a little highschooler, and the moves are easy to follow but it's WAAAAY TOO slow for me. So i like it, if it's my first time ever working out. So, after one day i am returning it :( And i'm expecting Island Girl: Hula Workout next, lol. Today after i did Carmen Electras workout, i did my Turbo Jam Live disk. Two workouts in one day? Not bad, especially since i sushied last night, and ate so much i almost blew out tuna rolls.
I have been keeping my calories between 1500 and 2000, doing a really great job doing it, excluding last night of course. :)
Right now, i am eating a delicious veggie chicken pattie sandwhich, with three veggie southwestern nuggets. I am SO impressed with the taste of the veg nuggets, that i am claiming it food of the day! It has a nice little spicy kick, it's meant for breakfast, but great for any time of the day and three large pieces are only 180 calories. So...

p.s. this is frustrating, because i can't find a picture of the box eithe ron morningstars website, or in google.. hmm. :( But its more southwesternie, with corn a chicken flavor and a nice light spicy kick.
okay, well.. going to go walk my Ruby now, she just finished eating as well :)
Okay, Carmen Eletra is SUPER CUTE in the DVD's, she's like a little highschooler, and the moves are easy to follow but it's WAAAAY TOO slow for me. So i like it, if it's my first time ever working out. So, after one day i am returning it :( And i'm expecting Island Girl: Hula Workout next, lol. Today after i did Carmen Electras workout, i did my Turbo Jam Live disk. Two workouts in one day? Not bad, especially since i sushied last night, and ate so much i almost blew out tuna rolls.
I have been keeping my calories between 1500 and 2000, doing a really great job doing it, excluding last night of course. :)
Right now, i am eating a delicious veggie chicken pattie sandwhich, with three veggie southwestern nuggets. I am SO impressed with the taste of the veg nuggets, that i am claiming it food of the day! It has a nice little spicy kick, it's meant for breakfast, but great for any time of the day and three large pieces are only 180 calories. So...
p.s. this is frustrating, because i can't find a picture of the box eithe ron morningstars website, or in google.. hmm. :( But its more southwesternie, with corn a chicken flavor and a nice light spicy kick.
okay, well.. going to go walk my Ruby now, she just finished eating as well :)
feeling good,
food of the day,
work out
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My before and after pictures are gradually developing into something good. lol.. i noticed my sides are losing some mass.. which is good, but the 'after' isn't really an 'after' shot, but more of a 'progression' shot. Nice, right?
I went swimming today, there were a buttload of people and a baby crying half of the time. Yucko. I was laying out to dry, when i realized i was getting more of a tan than i already had, so i had to leave. I'm not really going for the African-American look.
OH And if you noticed, i posted one of my addictions onto my blog, with the whole Flobots playlist. I could only find a couple flobot songs on :(
I was contemplating on my food of the day, even though i haven't yet had lunch. BUT I DID HAVE BREAKFAST, and mmmm was it yummy. I had these Organic Blueberry waffles, which actually tasted like i picked the blueberries this morning and made my waffles from scratch. DELISH.

i'm not sure if this is the brand i have, because i'm too lazy to walk over to the freezer :)
But the picture is good enough, only one i can find on line
I went swimming today, there were a buttload of people and a baby crying half of the time. Yucko. I was laying out to dry, when i realized i was getting more of a tan than i already had, so i had to leave. I'm not really going for the African-American look.
OH And if you noticed, i posted one of my addictions onto my blog, with the whole Flobots playlist. I could only find a couple flobot songs on :(
I was contemplating on my food of the day, even though i haven't yet had lunch. BUT I DID HAVE BREAKFAST, and mmmm was it yummy. I had these Organic Blueberry waffles, which actually tasted like i picked the blueberries this morning and made my waffles from scratch. DELISH.
i'm not sure if this is the brand i have, because i'm too lazy to walk over to the freezer :)
But the picture is good enough, only one i can find on line
Monday, June 9, 2008
Current Obsessions
I.. have been plagued with obsessions the past couple of days. And you're probably thinking, well.. and obsession means one thing. Well, actually.. it's not one thing. If i can't obsess over one thing at this one time, i'll find something else to be ridiculously engrossed in.
*Location* Parents house in Brandon
*Obsession* Watching Bones:Season 2 DVD
*Location* Parents house in Brandon **WHEN MY MOM HAS THE REMOTE OR PUSHES ME OFF THE COUCH
*Obsession* Reading & Writing in my physical journal
*Location* My Car :)
*Obsession* The new Flobots CD that Karens bro let me borrow.
I went to the store earlier today, i like ran. I ran to go back to my car to listen to the CD and get the hell out of WalMart and get back to my little obsessions. Yeah, I guess you can say those little obsessions testify that I have a life.. lol.
And if you know me, I LOVE WALMART. ... But i love money more :)
Mi madre wanted to go to the mall foodcourt and eat lunch there.. she had this huge chicken platter, and i had 12ounces of miso soup. yum yum! They ran out of sushi :(
I bought microwaveable miso soup in a cup for when i go to work. SUPER Asian, right?! haha. Aaaand miso soup made me realize how much i really really really like tofu, weird, right? Yeah.
Another obsession? THE FOOD OF THE DAY!

obviously its the one on the right. But.. this is one of the only pictures i could find of it.
WELL.. wow, i'm ridiculously sleepy. So.. ciao!
*Location* Parents house in Brandon
*Obsession* Watching Bones:Season 2 DVD
*Location* Parents house in Brandon **WHEN MY MOM HAS THE REMOTE OR PUSHES ME OFF THE COUCH
*Obsession* Reading & Writing in my physical journal
*Location* My Car :)
*Obsession* The new Flobots CD that Karens bro let me borrow.
I went to the store earlier today, i like ran. I ran to go back to my car to listen to the CD and get the hell out of WalMart and get back to my little obsessions. Yeah, I guess you can say those little obsessions testify that I have a life.. lol.
And if you know me, I LOVE WALMART. ... But i love money more :)
Mi madre wanted to go to the mall foodcourt and eat lunch there.. she had this huge chicken platter, and i had 12ounces of miso soup. yum yum! They ran out of sushi :(
I bought microwaveable miso soup in a cup for when i go to work. SUPER Asian, right?! haha. Aaaand miso soup made me realize how much i really really really like tofu, weird, right? Yeah.
Another obsession? THE FOOD OF THE DAY!
obviously its the one on the right. But.. this is one of the only pictures i could find of it.
WELL.. wow, i'm ridiculously sleepy. So.. ciao!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Hey Fazools
So, my motivation has definately been shot down for some reason. I just feel so fatigued and gaross, and blah blah.
But today I got off of my ass and i went and swam laps, which was very refreshing. i was also going to go clubbing tonight, but i have to work early tomorrow morning, so i definitely nixed that.
I started counting my calories today, which is great because i haven't been doing so either. :( But i'm getting back on track, and I just have to live one day at a time and keep myself on check!
I also went and visited this new gym by my house, and it's open 24hrs, and you get your own key to the place. It's so much closer than progressive.. i love progressives gym SO MUCH, but it's just such a burden to drive 30 minutes back and forth then go back for work, ya know? So i'm seriously contemplating switching gyms. This place is so cool, has all the new machines and even has 24/7 tanning.. not that i need it. Just saying.
So today was good, and i'm doing super well with my vegetarianism. The food of the day is Italian Sausage Tofurky... lol, and looking at my caloric logbook, it is the most caloric food i have taken in today at one sausage at 280 calories. In second place is a hamburger bun at 180 calories, and in third a vegan burger griller at 150 calories.

ADDENDUM: Today i ate a whopping 1,555 calories. lol i forced myself to each that much, because i refuse to eat less than 1500 a day. A crucial part of weight loss is actually eating the correct amount of calories, and i just really.. haven't been. Sometimes i end my day with under 1,000 :(. So then my body goes into starvation mode and keep calories i don't need. LAME RIGHT? My main goal is to stay between 1,500 and 2,000 on a daily basis.
I'm doing so well, but i know i can definitely do better.
But today I got off of my ass and i went and swam laps, which was very refreshing. i was also going to go clubbing tonight, but i have to work early tomorrow morning, so i definitely nixed that.
I started counting my calories today, which is great because i haven't been doing so either. :( But i'm getting back on track, and I just have to live one day at a time and keep myself on check!
I also went and visited this new gym by my house, and it's open 24hrs, and you get your own key to the place. It's so much closer than progressive.. i love progressives gym SO MUCH, but it's just such a burden to drive 30 minutes back and forth then go back for work, ya know? So i'm seriously contemplating switching gyms. This place is so cool, has all the new machines and even has 24/7 tanning.. not that i need it. Just saying.
So today was good, and i'm doing super well with my vegetarianism. The food of the day is Italian Sausage Tofurky... lol, and looking at my caloric logbook, it is the most caloric food i have taken in today at one sausage at 280 calories. In second place is a hamburger bun at 180 calories, and in third a vegan burger griller at 150 calories.
ADDENDUM: Today i ate a whopping 1,555 calories. lol i forced myself to each that much, because i refuse to eat less than 1500 a day. A crucial part of weight loss is actually eating the correct amount of calories, and i just really.. haven't been. Sometimes i end my day with under 1,000 :(. So then my body goes into starvation mode and keep calories i don't need. LAME RIGHT? My main goal is to stay between 1,500 and 2,000 on a daily basis.
I'm doing so well, but i know i can definitely do better.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I've been having waaay too much fun the past couple of days. Sunday, i went to the beach with Bianca, her sister Maci and their friend Jason. It was my first time at Coquina Beach, it was really pretty! Then afterwards we went to my place and played Rock Band and DDR for a while, which was awesome. between the beach and my place, we went to a Chinese buffet where i was a good vegetarian still. YESSS!
The vegetarianism has been going very well, i've been keeping up since I said i have, and i haven't even craved the food. And like i expected, my parents don't really care.
"Hey mom, i'm trying to be a vegetarian"
"okay, good." (WHAAAAAT?!)
yesterday, my mom was like "Hey, theres food in the fridge, beef, pork and rice"
"Mom, i'm trying to be a vegetarian"
"oh, okay, well theres shrimp" (I'm still doing seafood for now)
"Okay cool"
"WAIT, why are you eating a corndog?"
"It's a vegan corndog"
Yesterday i went to the Apple store, because i'm saving upfor either a MacBook or a MacBook Air.
MacBook Air:
MacBook: (funny video, lol)
I know the MacBookAir looks SUPER FRIKIN COOL, but the screen is 13.5 inches. It's freakin tiny. But it would help when i tote it around my classes, ya know ? I dunno. I'm setting up a personal shopper for the Apple store in August when i've saved up and decided to buy. I'm going to do more research.
As for today, i woke up late and did not work out, i'm headed over to the 'rents house to eat some corndogs, go to the bookstore and play with my Ruby. My sweeeetie face!
I've been having waaay too much fun the past couple of days. Sunday, i went to the beach with Bianca, her sister Maci and their friend Jason. It was my first time at Coquina Beach, it was really pretty! Then afterwards we went to my place and played Rock Band and DDR for a while, which was awesome. between the beach and my place, we went to a Chinese buffet where i was a good vegetarian still. YESSS!
The vegetarianism has been going very well, i've been keeping up since I said i have, and i haven't even craved the food. And like i expected, my parents don't really care.
"Hey mom, i'm trying to be a vegetarian"
"okay, good." (WHAAAAAT?!)
yesterday, my mom was like "Hey, theres food in the fridge, beef, pork and rice"
"Mom, i'm trying to be a vegetarian"
"oh, okay, well theres shrimp" (I'm still doing seafood for now)
"Okay cool"
"WAIT, why are you eating a corndog?"
"It's a vegan corndog"
Yesterday i went to the Apple store, because i'm saving upfor either a MacBook or a MacBook Air.
MacBook Air:
MacBook: (funny video, lol)
I know the MacBookAir looks SUPER FRIKIN COOL, but the screen is 13.5 inches. It's freakin tiny. But it would help when i tote it around my classes, ya know ? I dunno. I'm setting up a personal shopper for the Apple store in August when i've saved up and decided to buy. I'm going to do more research.
As for today, i woke up late and did not work out, i'm headed over to the 'rents house to eat some corndogs, go to the bookstore and play with my Ruby. My sweeeetie face!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Major Updating
I feel like there is a lot i have to update, but not really. lol
Hmm..okay, bullet points?
* I am super geek, and i went online shopping. I bought a pair of Kung Fu/Tai Chi shoes.. no really, theey're for martial arts, but they're so comfy. ChrisDeLicious also has a pair, i tried his on which made me want to buy mine.. granted he has like a size 13.

*I also bought the first season of Bones, i am so addicted. And whats weird is.... when they talk about bones before they point it out on the subject, i actually know where it is. And when they say something incorrect, in my head i'm going.."Noo, they can't do that with potassium-argon dating, it has to be argon-argon dating." It's becauase i'm lame, i also bought the first book by Kathy Reichs, called DEJA DEAD. hahah. Kathy Reich books are what the show Bones is based on. The lead character in the books is Dr. Temperance Brennan, but on the show.. the lead character is Dr. Temperance Brennan, and she writes books about a Kathy Reichs. These people are clever, right?

*My DDR workouts have been going well.. BUT I had to cut short a couple times because my legs were killing me. Like.. it felt like charlie horses while i walked. So in the Slim in 6! DVD theres like a section just for stretching, so whether you work out that day or not, stretch type deal? So i did that, it made my leggies feel a lot better.
*first compliment
Despite me not really liking my roommate, he gave me a compliment today saying that he thinks i'm losing weight. I take that seriously, lol. This is because he lives with me and sees me every day, and a lot of the times the people you see everyday are the ones you don't see a lot of progress in because it's so gradual. Plus, my weight hasn't changed, but a compliment and my looser pants will do.
*I am trying to be a vegetarian.
LOL, i have before, i think the longest i went was for like 6 months. But.. that was back in HS when all i ate was Chips and cookies and said shit like, "Hey, theres no meat in this" what an idiot. lol. Today is my second day attempting vegetarianism. Yesterday for lunch i had a veggie burger, vegan mozerella cheese, and grapes.. for dinner i had a vegan "griller" burger lol, and veg/fruits. the Vegan burger tasted A LOT like the burgers they used to sell in HS.. and they were yummo! For dinner tonight, i had a Vegan Italian sausage, fries and fruit. I also bought tofu, but i'll tackle a meal with that on my day off.. i'm going to need the time.
**My friend/co-worker Scotticus Maximus (Scott Maxwell) is a vegan and has his own vegan/veggetarian catering service on the weekend, he's helping me out by giving me his old VegTimes magazines (i think thats what they're called). And we're going to go grocery shopping together once a week, or every other week. cool right?
I also sit by a rastafarian who is a vegetarian, he's giving me pointers too.. his name is Jean and he has long dreadlocks. Next to Jean is Margherita, and she's a vegetarian too.. she introduced to me Tofurky. lol. I love my coworkers.
So,i'm trying to be a vegetarian.. like this guy:
lol. And if you want to know why, it's kind of a lame reason.. and here goes:
The other night when i was driving home, because i live in a new suburban area, there arent a lot of street lights. So.. i saw a huge dog in the middle of the road that was dead. And if you know me well enough, i actually start bawling every time i see a dead animal in the road if it looks like it just happened, or if i can still see his face. (like once i saw a squirrel run across the road, get hit then seizure on the side of the road, i fucking lost it. I had to hold on to the steering wheel and put the music louder because i was like screaming.. lol, funny but not). So i figure... shit, if i feel this bad about animals that accidentally die, what about the ones that are killed on purpose? And i mean, there are free range food, but the way they're killed doesn't change.It's not like they strike them with a rainbow knife or something. So.. i love meat. I love steak, pork chops and all that jazz, especially coming froma culture that literally does not throw any part of an animal away. But i'm pretty sure i love my animals more, and petting them, and cuddling, and putting policemen hats on my pet goats. :)

(for real though, this is my goat. And that's Rubys police man hat from her Holloween costume.. lol)
p.s. i say attempting vegetarianism, because it's hard. I would hate to call myself a vegetarian then fail, ya know?
Hmm..okay, bullet points?
* I am super geek, and i went online shopping. I bought a pair of Kung Fu/Tai Chi shoes.. no really, theey're for martial arts, but they're so comfy. ChrisDeLicious also has a pair, i tried his on which made me want to buy mine.. granted he has like a size 13.
*I also bought the first season of Bones, i am so addicted. And whats weird is.... when they talk about bones before they point it out on the subject, i actually know where it is. And when they say something incorrect, in my head i'm going.."Noo, they can't do that with potassium-argon dating, it has to be argon-argon dating." It's becauase i'm lame, i also bought the first book by Kathy Reichs, called DEJA DEAD. hahah. Kathy Reich books are what the show Bones is based on. The lead character in the books is Dr. Temperance Brennan, but on the show.. the lead character is Dr. Temperance Brennan, and she writes books about a Kathy Reichs. These people are clever, right?
*My DDR workouts have been going well.. BUT I had to cut short a couple times because my legs were killing me. Like.. it felt like charlie horses while i walked. So in the Slim in 6! DVD theres like a section just for stretching, so whether you work out that day or not, stretch type deal? So i did that, it made my leggies feel a lot better.
*first compliment
Despite me not really liking my roommate, he gave me a compliment today saying that he thinks i'm losing weight. I take that seriously, lol. This is because he lives with me and sees me every day, and a lot of the times the people you see everyday are the ones you don't see a lot of progress in because it's so gradual. Plus, my weight hasn't changed, but a compliment and my looser pants will do.
*I am trying to be a vegetarian.
LOL, i have before, i think the longest i went was for like 6 months. But.. that was back in HS when all i ate was Chips and cookies and said shit like, "Hey, theres no meat in this" what an idiot. lol. Today is my second day attempting vegetarianism. Yesterday for lunch i had a veggie burger, vegan mozerella cheese, and grapes.. for dinner i had a vegan "griller" burger lol, and veg/fruits. the Vegan burger tasted A LOT like the burgers they used to sell in HS.. and they were yummo! For dinner tonight, i had a Vegan Italian sausage, fries and fruit. I also bought tofu, but i'll tackle a meal with that on my day off.. i'm going to need the time.
**My friend/co-worker Scotticus Maximus (Scott Maxwell) is a vegan and has his own vegan/veggetarian catering service on the weekend, he's helping me out by giving me his old VegTimes magazines (i think thats what they're called). And we're going to go grocery shopping together once a week, or every other week. cool right?
I also sit by a rastafarian who is a vegetarian, he's giving me pointers too.. his name is Jean and he has long dreadlocks. Next to Jean is Margherita, and she's a vegetarian too.. she introduced to me Tofurky. lol. I love my coworkers.
So,i'm trying to be a vegetarian.. like this guy:
lol. And if you want to know why, it's kind of a lame reason.. and here goes:
The other night when i was driving home, because i live in a new suburban area, there arent a lot of street lights. So.. i saw a huge dog in the middle of the road that was dead. And if you know me well enough, i actually start bawling every time i see a dead animal in the road if it looks like it just happened, or if i can still see his face. (like once i saw a squirrel run across the road, get hit then seizure on the side of the road, i fucking lost it. I had to hold on to the steering wheel and put the music louder because i was like screaming.. lol, funny but not). So i figure... shit, if i feel this bad about animals that accidentally die, what about the ones that are killed on purpose? And i mean, there are free range food, but the way they're killed doesn't change.It's not like they strike them with a rainbow knife or something. So.. i love meat. I love steak, pork chops and all that jazz, especially coming froma culture that literally does not throw any part of an animal away. But i'm pretty sure i love my animals more, and petting them, and cuddling, and putting policemen hats on my pet goats. :)
(for real though, this is my goat. And that's Rubys police man hat from her Holloween costume.. lol)
p.s. i say attempting vegetarianism, because it's hard. I would hate to call myself a vegetarian then fail, ya know?
online shopping,
Sunday, May 25, 2008
...those fearless unicyclists
`Last night i went ahead and babysat for an autistic kid named Ritchie, he was cute. Ritchie was also uber non-reponsive, and dhe slept a lot which was good. I watched the marathon of Unbeatable Banzuke, where my post title is from lol.
Right now, Kadie and her bf are peeling shrimp and we're about to grill stuff and eat yummy food.
I was thinking that i actually don't like a bunch of things and i'm always like 'Man, I hate blah blah blah'. So here is a list of my likes and dislikes!
*sand in my butt
*putting on clothes when i'm still damp, esp underwear after shower
*people not open to new foods
*people hitting on me that don't really try. Like ew, you really think i'm going to give you my number while you look like you just got done mowing your lawn.. at the bar?
*people who don't tell me why they don't like me to my face, but tell other people. I understand you're a pussy, there's probably a reason why it's better we're not friends. :)
*people that live by too many rules
*people that don't like animals
*people who don't do their dishes
*people who don't stand up for themselves
*food, haha
*hil, alde, marcus - non obnoxious family
*friends that keep in touch, and let me know whats on their minds
*Ruby! :) My puppers
*flying in planes
*loud music
*mixed tapes/playlists
*working out
*the way i feel after i work out
*taking action pictures with friends
*boys who like video games, lol. :)
Right now, Kadie and her bf are peeling shrimp and we're about to grill stuff and eat yummy food.
I was thinking that i actually don't like a bunch of things and i'm always like 'Man, I hate blah blah blah'. So here is a list of my likes and dislikes!
*sand in my butt
*putting on clothes when i'm still damp, esp underwear after shower
*people not open to new foods
*people hitting on me that don't really try. Like ew, you really think i'm going to give you my number while you look like you just got done mowing your lawn.. at the bar?
*people who don't tell me why they don't like me to my face, but tell other people. I understand you're a pussy, there's probably a reason why it's better we're not friends. :)
*people that live by too many rules
*people that don't like animals
*people who don't do their dishes
*people who don't stand up for themselves
*food, haha
*hil, alde, marcus - non obnoxious family
*friends that keep in touch, and let me know whats on their minds
*Ruby! :) My puppers
*flying in planes
*loud music
*mixed tapes/playlists
*working out
*the way i feel after i work out
*taking action pictures with friends
*boys who like video games, lol. :)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Are you kidding me?
So today was my first day doing DDR, and I was on it for about 3 hours. Since i'm still pretty new, i was on beginner/basic (steps not too fast or too difficult) so i lost about 650 calories. The harder the levels, the faster, more steps, more calories. etc..
In the middle of my playing, i was wondering if this could *really* help me lose weight. I know a friend of mine said she lost 15lbs playing for a month. HMMM SKEPTICAL.
I went online to do a search, and LOW AND BEHOLD i found i website called
This is awesome. The first page is weight loss success stories, and they're so cool lol. None of them changed their diet untill AFTER they saw they were losing weight Here are two before and after pics, this is Matt Keene, and he lost between 140lbs and 150lbs

WOW RIGHT?! lol that's freakin insane. And here is another before and after picture, and this is Tanya Jenson, she was 235lbs, and lost about 95lbs

Soo.. haha not only am i doing ddr, but my diet is pretty good and i swim. :)
I actually joined the website,, just so i can read articles and helpful hints.. soo, if you wanna play, call me and come over! YAY!
Who would've thought video games could make a positive outcome?
In the middle of my playing, i was wondering if this could *really* help me lose weight. I know a friend of mine said she lost 15lbs playing for a month. HMMM SKEPTICAL.
I went online to do a search, and LOW AND BEHOLD i found i website called
This is awesome. The first page is weight loss success stories, and they're so cool lol. None of them changed their diet untill AFTER they saw they were losing weight Here are two before and after pics, this is Matt Keene, and he lost between 140lbs and 150lbs
WOW RIGHT?! lol that's freakin insane. And here is another before and after picture, and this is Tanya Jenson, she was 235lbs, and lost about 95lbs
Soo.. haha not only am i doing ddr, but my diet is pretty good and i swim. :)
I actually joined the website,, just so i can read articles and helpful hints.. soo, if you wanna play, call me and come over! YAY!
Who would've thought video games could make a positive outcome?
So i clocked my block.. (haha it sounds like cock blocked), and you know how previously i said that my block is around .25 mile? ITS NOT. ITS A WHOLE FREAKIN MILE. So when i jogged three times around, it wasn't .75 of a mile, but it was actually 3 MILES! haha, how ridiculous! It makes me happy :)
I kinda fell off the bandwagon of working out and eating correctly this week :(, well i didn't eat terrible AT ALL, but i definately haven't been working out the wya i've wanted to.
I purchased Dance Dance Revolution today!!! HOORAY! And it has a weight loss plan on there too, you put in your stats and it keeps count of calorie loss. I think this little game is magic, because on the days i DO NOT want to work out, it's like.."i don't want to work out, let me play a video game" and totally psych myself out and actually be working out. I'll definately do a review on it tomorrow after my first time using it, lol.
OH I bought my very first People Magazine today! Not such a great feat considering all the arbitrary random shit in the magazine. The only reason i bought is, is that in the corner of the cover there is a story of 5 real women and how they lost over 100 lbs. which is awesome. And none of them are famous, they all lost it themselves (whether with help ornot, such as weight watchers, jenny craig or nothing). They are so gorgeous, so i bought the magazine just for that article for some sweet motivation :).
Haha I am so pathetic. I watched the season finale of Bones and House the other night, andi bawled like a baby for House.. ugh, so lame. I was about to cry for Bones, but.. haha plot changed, and i was relieved. If you want to know what happened, just ask me lol.
Okay, so.. no regrets for this past week, but I know I can do better. Wish me luck! :)
I kinda fell off the bandwagon of working out and eating correctly this week :(, well i didn't eat terrible AT ALL, but i definately haven't been working out the wya i've wanted to.
I purchased Dance Dance Revolution today!!! HOORAY! And it has a weight loss plan on there too, you put in your stats and it keeps count of calorie loss. I think this little game is magic, because on the days i DO NOT want to work out, it's like.."i don't want to work out, let me play a video game" and totally psych myself out and actually be working out. I'll definately do a review on it tomorrow after my first time using it, lol.
OH I bought my very first People Magazine today! Not such a great feat considering all the arbitrary random shit in the magazine. The only reason i bought is, is that in the corner of the cover there is a story of 5 real women and how they lost over 100 lbs. which is awesome. And none of them are famous, they all lost it themselves (whether with help ornot, such as weight watchers, jenny craig or nothing). They are so gorgeous, so i bought the magazine just for that article for some sweet motivation :).
Haha I am so pathetic. I watched the season finale of Bones and House the other night, andi bawled like a baby for House.. ugh, so lame. I was about to cry for Bones, but.. haha plot changed, and i was relieved. If you want to know what happened, just ask me lol.
Okay, so.. no regrets for this past week, but I know I can do better. Wish me luck! :)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Oye Vey!
I can't believe i haven't written in a couple days.
I was going to write at Karens, but i really wanted to get going and go to the brothers location.. when i did, i tried to sign into Blogger, and freakin.. it brought me to my old old old blog from 2004 i used to have on this thing. I was a very angry person! lol
I haven't worked out in three days, OUCH. Tomorrow, i'll be whipping my ass hardcore. But at least i got some R&R from kicking my own ass last week, i had charlie horses, and cramps, i was walking weird because my thighs were so sore. But i also started my period, soooo i think it's good i took a couple days off.
Speaking of a couple days off, Karen and I are going to have a little rendezvous near the end of the summer for a little more R&R in ORlando. I'm so excited! I don't think i've ever checked into a hotel by myself before? it's gonna be so awesome, it's pretty much when you realize that you're an adult... kinda. I'm sort of there. lol.
**totally off topic, if there was one
I really want a boyfriend. But unlike last time, i don't want to sacrifice my freedom or my personality. Not to be conceited, or egotistical, but i'm freakin AWESOME. I speak my mind, you have nothing to worry about in regards to me lying to you. You might have to worry that i'm really out spoken, and i don't mean to hurt your feelings. I want a real man who can joke around a lot, but also know when to stop. The guy that farts on you and messes around at home, or in privacy, but also is the one who opens the door and pulls out the chair. Already, no one like that exists, lol. Either they're waaay too far to the left, or too far to the right.
And guess what? I'm not picky, AT ALL. I just have really high standards that are rarely met. Not just for my bf's, but for my friends and family too. I just want someone funny, honest and caring.
Truthfully, i don't have time for a bf right now. Just me. :)
off to play some Sudoku or WordSpy (BEST GAMES EVER)
I was going to write at Karens, but i really wanted to get going and go to the brothers location.. when i did, i tried to sign into Blogger, and freakin.. it brought me to my old old old blog from 2004 i used to have on this thing. I was a very angry person! lol
I haven't worked out in three days, OUCH. Tomorrow, i'll be whipping my ass hardcore. But at least i got some R&R from kicking my own ass last week, i had charlie horses, and cramps, i was walking weird because my thighs were so sore. But i also started my period, soooo i think it's good i took a couple days off.
Speaking of a couple days off, Karen and I are going to have a little rendezvous near the end of the summer for a little more R&R in ORlando. I'm so excited! I don't think i've ever checked into a hotel by myself before? it's gonna be so awesome, it's pretty much when you realize that you're an adult... kinda. I'm sort of there. lol.
**totally off topic, if there was one
I really want a boyfriend. But unlike last time, i don't want to sacrifice my freedom or my personality. Not to be conceited, or egotistical, but i'm freakin AWESOME. I speak my mind, you have nothing to worry about in regards to me lying to you. You might have to worry that i'm really out spoken, and i don't mean to hurt your feelings. I want a real man who can joke around a lot, but also know when to stop. The guy that farts on you and messes around at home, or in privacy, but also is the one who opens the door and pulls out the chair. Already, no one like that exists, lol. Either they're waaay too far to the left, or too far to the right.
And guess what? I'm not picky, AT ALL. I just have really high standards that are rarely met. Not just for my bf's, but for my friends and family too. I just want someone funny, honest and caring.
Truthfully, i don't have time for a bf right now. Just me. :)
off to play some Sudoku or WordSpy (BEST GAMES EVER)
Friday, May 16, 2008
OH yeah, day 3
Not only is this day 3, but it's also my first day not signing on to MySpace! YAY.
It shouldn't be that hard for the next couple of days because i'm not going to be home. Karens first, where we can party hardy then work out.. lol then off to Orlando, where i will convince my brother and Heather In Law (who i will now refer to as HIL) that they don't need their mountain bike. No. And that Capella shall aquire it! YESS.
My food is beeping at me in the microwave.. and so i don't really want to type much, but lets start off with pictures- yes? YES!!!
7:00am - in the kitchen, dazed but waking up, post sleepy time pre work out.
that flash is absolutely heinous(you can see my eating schedule on the fridge behind me, lol)

7:30- I procrastinate, and my Ruby says, "If you don't get your feet moving, i'm biting them into action" i say.. "oh, okay."

10:15am- done with workout and pool.
BUT when i was in the pool, i found Diego floating face down in the water :(
So i rescue him and he counts my laps for the day. I accidentally cut him in the first picture, you can see my guilt in the second:

LOL do you like the tiny hairs that dried first and are flying all over the place? My fan was on.
So today, i did Slim in 6! I did a lot better, I wasn't winded after a couple minutes like the last two days, and i didn't have to modify as many moves either. HOOWAY. I wasn't planning on swimming, but i felt like i didn't do enough, so i went to the pool. I did less laps today, i did 5 :(. ONE lap consists of: only legs back and forth, then only arms back and forth = one lap. I did do a couple 'real' laps of swimming. Then i did strength training with what i had available to me. And using your own weight totally works people. Especially when you're halfway in the water and you're pulling yourself out, it's a little harder.
I also said fuck the swim cap! But my hair said, FUCK YOU! And everytime i looked up for a breath, it was all over my eyes. :( Stupid lose-lose situations. lol
well yay, hopefully i'll be writing tomorrow, post work out again!
It shouldn't be that hard for the next couple of days because i'm not going to be home. Karens first, where we can party hardy then work out.. lol then off to Orlando, where i will convince my brother and Heather In Law (who i will now refer to as HIL) that they don't need their mountain bike. No. And that Capella shall aquire it! YESS.
My food is beeping at me in the microwave.. and so i don't really want to type much, but lets start off with pictures- yes? YES!!!
7:00am - in the kitchen, dazed but waking up, post sleepy time pre work out.
that flash is absolutely heinous(you can see my eating schedule on the fridge behind me, lol)
7:30- I procrastinate, and my Ruby says, "If you don't get your feet moving, i'm biting them into action" i say.. "oh, okay."
10:15am- done with workout and pool.
BUT when i was in the pool, i found Diego floating face down in the water :(
So i rescue him and he counts my laps for the day. I accidentally cut him in the first picture, you can see my guilt in the second:
LOL do you like the tiny hairs that dried first and are flying all over the place? My fan was on.
So today, i did Slim in 6! I did a lot better, I wasn't winded after a couple minutes like the last two days, and i didn't have to modify as many moves either. HOOWAY. I wasn't planning on swimming, but i felt like i didn't do enough, so i went to the pool. I did less laps today, i did 5 :(. ONE lap consists of: only legs back and forth, then only arms back and forth = one lap. I did do a couple 'real' laps of swimming. Then i did strength training with what i had available to me. And using your own weight totally works people. Especially when you're halfway in the water and you're pulling yourself out, it's a little harder.
I also said fuck the swim cap! But my hair said, FUCK YOU! And everytime i looked up for a breath, it was all over my eyes. :( Stupid lose-lose situations. lol
well yay, hopefully i'll be writing tomorrow, post work out again!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hooray Me!
Sooo today started off pretty good as well.
Because of recent events, i've been listening to Kelly Clarksons, "Since U Been Gone" a lot. It pretty much fits my situation. And it's actually been feeding my motivation pretty fully.
Speaking of motivation, I must've had a lot this morning to get up and do another work out from "Slim in 6!". I now know why the before and after pictures of people in Slim in 6! are so dramatic, this shit is HARD. But i'm also not getting renumerated :(
so today:
*Slim in 6!
*a kazillion laps in the pool.
okay, so it wasn't a kazillion, but it felt like it, cause i was out of breath the whole time. I did 10 laps of just legs (that's right, swimming back in forth with my arms to my side) and another 10 laps of just arms (that's right again! my ankles were crossed, and i was only using my arms). Duders, i'm getting buff as fuck, better watch out. Then a kazillion* real laps.
Swim cap was giving me a hard time again :/
OKay, well my MEAT is defrosted and it's time to cook me my lunch. I work at 3, uber excitement there! hmm.. nothing else really...
*Kazillion is just an estimation
p.s. a quote from one of my favorite shows:
Booth: It's like everyone want to be the next American Idol, the next Kelly Clarkson.
Bones: Kelly Clarkson?
Booth: You know.. "Because of You"?
Bones:..... because of me?
Because of recent events, i've been listening to Kelly Clarksons, "Since U Been Gone" a lot. It pretty much fits my situation. And it's actually been feeding my motivation pretty fully.
Speaking of motivation, I must've had a lot this morning to get up and do another work out from "Slim in 6!". I now know why the before and after pictures of people in Slim in 6! are so dramatic, this shit is HARD. But i'm also not getting renumerated :(
so today:
*Slim in 6!
*a kazillion laps in the pool.
okay, so it wasn't a kazillion, but it felt like it, cause i was out of breath the whole time. I did 10 laps of just legs (that's right, swimming back in forth with my arms to my side) and another 10 laps of just arms (that's right again! my ankles were crossed, and i was only using my arms). Duders, i'm getting buff as fuck, better watch out. Then a kazillion* real laps.
Swim cap was giving me a hard time again :/
OKay, well my MEAT is defrosted and it's time to cook me my lunch. I work at 3, uber excitement there! hmm.. nothing else really...
*Kazillion is just an estimation
p.s. a quote from one of my favorite shows:
Booth: It's like everyone want to be the next American Idol, the next Kelly Clarkson.
Bones: Kelly Clarkson?
Booth: You know.. "Because of You"?
Bones:..... because of me?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
First Post, whoohoo!
Well, the reason I started this blog is because I mostly blog on MySpace, and I won't be signing on to MYspace or Facebook from May 16th until sometime in August.
... but i still want to blog? And i don't think it's a bad thing.. i'm just keeping in touch, telling it like it is, and updating my life online, right? sweet.
So today started off pretty awesome. I woke up at 7am, it was supposed to be 6:30, but Karen and I were on the phone last night till like 1:30ish, which i'm sure we both regret because she had to go to work and I had to work out. Yes, i woke up at 7 on my own will because i wanted to work out. AWESOME, RIGHT? haha. not.
It's this regime i started on my own. I really want to work out like everyday, but if i wait till like... after my morning pee i get reluctant and not want to do it. THat's exaggerated.. because i definately pee first :)
So today.. i did a workout video (Slim in 6!) lol, i don't think it works like it says it does, but i mean, it gets me off of my bum and it's a good warm up. actually.. it's really slow kinestetics (sp?!) but it lets that acid flow to your muscles and it BURNS LIKE HELL. Think like.. putting your arms straight out to your side and doing small circles for an hour. LIke that kind of burn.
Then i walked/jogged around the block a couple times (our blocks aren't like those small suburban blocks either. They're about a track length round or more? so a little more than .25 mile?). I then jogged over to the pool where i proceeded to swim a couple laps. This was my first time with my swim cap, those little shits are hard to get on, dude!
AND IM FEELING GREAT! You.. shouuuldd... get on my case if i don't work out for a day? i mean, i'll be pissed that you're being annoying, but i'll get over it and thank you eventually. :) lol
So right now, i am defrosting some meat (1 carb/1 protein/unlimited veggies) for lunch, yummo! and I'm about to wash the chlorine off this curvy bod.. haha.
Aww yay, first blog. Blogging is fun... because you get to talk about yourself.. and people read it. BWAHAHA.Gotcha.
... but i still want to blog? And i don't think it's a bad thing.. i'm just keeping in touch, telling it like it is, and updating my life online, right? sweet.
So today started off pretty awesome. I woke up at 7am, it was supposed to be 6:30, but Karen and I were on the phone last night till like 1:30ish, which i'm sure we both regret because she had to go to work and I had to work out. Yes, i woke up at 7 on my own will because i wanted to work out. AWESOME, RIGHT? haha. not.
It's this regime i started on my own. I really want to work out like everyday, but if i wait till like... after my morning pee i get reluctant and not want to do it. THat's exaggerated.. because i definately pee first :)
So today.. i did a workout video (Slim in 6!) lol, i don't think it works like it says it does, but i mean, it gets me off of my bum and it's a good warm up. actually.. it's really slow kinestetics (sp?!) but it lets that acid flow to your muscles and it BURNS LIKE HELL. Think like.. putting your arms straight out to your side and doing small circles for an hour. LIke that kind of burn.
Then i walked/jogged around the block a couple times (our blocks aren't like those small suburban blocks either. They're about a track length round or more? so a little more than .25 mile?). I then jogged over to the pool where i proceeded to swim a couple laps. This was my first time with my swim cap, those little shits are hard to get on, dude!
AND IM FEELING GREAT! You.. shouuuldd... get on my case if i don't work out for a day? i mean, i'll be pissed that you're being annoying, but i'll get over it and thank you eventually. :) lol
So right now, i am defrosting some meat (1 carb/1 protein/unlimited veggies) for lunch, yummo! and I'm about to wash the chlorine off this curvy bod.. haha.
Aww yay, first blog. Blogging is fun... because you get to talk about yourself.. and people read it. BWAHAHA.Gotcha.
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