Hmm..okay, bullet points?
* I am super geek, and i went online shopping. I bought a pair of Kung Fu/Tai Chi shoes.. no really, theey're for martial arts, but they're so comfy. ChrisDeLicious also has a pair, i tried his on which made me want to buy mine.. granted he has like a size 13.
*I also bought the first season of Bones, i am so addicted. And whats weird is.... when they talk about bones before they point it out on the subject, i actually know where it is. And when they say something incorrect, in my head i'm going.."Noo, they can't do that with potassium-argon dating, it has to be argon-argon dating." It's becauase i'm lame, i also bought the first book by Kathy Reichs, called DEJA DEAD. hahah. Kathy Reich books are what the show Bones is based on. The lead character in the books is Dr. Temperance Brennan, but on the show.. the lead character is Dr. Temperance Brennan, and she writes books about a Kathy Reichs. These people are clever, right?
*My DDR workouts have been going well.. BUT I had to cut short a couple times because my legs were killing me. Like.. it felt like charlie horses while i walked. So in the Slim in 6! DVD theres like a section just for stretching, so whether you work out that day or not, stretch type deal? So i did that, it made my leggies feel a lot better.
*first compliment
Despite me not really liking my roommate, he gave me a compliment today saying that he thinks i'm losing weight. I take that seriously, lol. This is because he lives with me and sees me every day, and a lot of the times the people you see everyday are the ones you don't see a lot of progress in because it's so gradual. Plus, my weight hasn't changed, but a compliment and my looser pants will do.
*I am trying to be a vegetarian.
LOL, i have before, i think the longest i went was for like 6 months. But.. that was back in HS when all i ate was Chips and cookies and said shit like, "Hey, theres no meat in this" what an idiot. lol. Today is my second day attempting vegetarianism. Yesterday for lunch i had a veggie burger, vegan mozerella cheese, and grapes.. for dinner i had a vegan "griller" burger lol, and veg/fruits. the Vegan burger tasted A LOT like the burgers they used to sell in HS.. and they were yummo! For dinner tonight, i had a Vegan Italian sausage, fries and fruit. I also bought tofu, but i'll tackle a meal with that on my day off.. i'm going to need the time.
**My friend/co-worker Scotticus Maximus (Scott Maxwell) is a vegan and has his own vegan/veggetarian catering service on the weekend, he's helping me out by giving me his old VegTimes magazines (i think thats what they're called). And we're going to go grocery shopping together once a week, or every other week. cool right?
I also sit by a rastafarian who is a vegetarian, he's giving me pointers too.. his name is Jean and he has long dreadlocks. Next to Jean is Margherita, and she's a vegetarian too.. she introduced to me Tofurky. lol. I love my coworkers.
So,i'm trying to be a vegetarian.. like this guy:
lol. And if you want to know why, it's kind of a lame reason.. and here goes:
The other night when i was driving home, because i live in a new suburban area, there arent a lot of street lights. So.. i saw a huge dog in the middle of the road that was dead. And if you know me well enough, i actually start bawling every time i see a dead animal in the road if it looks like it just happened, or if i can still see his face. (like once i saw a squirrel run across the road, get hit then seizure on the side of the road, i fucking lost it. I had to hold on to the steering wheel and put the music louder because i was like screaming.. lol, funny but not). So i figure... shit, if i feel this bad about animals that accidentally die, what about the ones that are killed on purpose? And i mean, there are free range food, but the way they're killed doesn't change.It's not like they strike them with a rainbow knife or something. So.. i love meat. I love steak, pork chops and all that jazz, especially coming froma culture that literally does not throw any part of an animal away. But i'm pretty sure i love my animals more, and petting them, and cuddling, and putting policemen hats on my pet goats. :)
(for real though, this is my goat. And that's Rubys police man hat from her Holloween costume.. lol)
p.s. i say attempting vegetarianism, because it's hard. I would hate to call myself a vegetarian then fail, ya know?