So I worked out yesterday, yay! I haven't done that in a while..
It felt good afterwards. but it's definitely going to take a little bit to get used to braiding work outs into my actual work schedule and school schedule. It's starting to kick my ass, and i'm just trying to keep up.
OH I graduate in May! hoooray! in Anthropology :D how cooool
I took my first knife skills class at the Rolling Pin's Kitchen Emporium! a 3 1/2 class on how to cut things, what kind of knives to use, how to stand, the right length of knife for an individual person.
I'm also going to my Rolling Pins cooking class orientation this upcoming sunday, so I can help chefs prep and such for any cooking classes. And on the 23rd of the month, I have a cake decorating class! I'm getting so excited...
the mom said that for my birthday she's going to get me a kitchen aid mixer! A FUCKING KITCHEN AID MIXER! and I can even get it early if I want... but I want to make sure I don't have it during a lot of school work or exams, because I want to play with it all weekend!!!
oh baby! haha.. i already have the blender, Ijust want that flippin stand mixer.
I also met someone at the Rollin Pin that is going to the culinary school that I was thinking about going to. She said she loves it.. and she's an assistant at the RP too.. All these classes have been so much fun! I can't wait to take more!
okay, honestly this isn't going to be such a sufficient blog entry because i'm actually in class.. haha
Technologies for Preserving Heritage (an Archaeology class, lol.. *sigh*)
White a little more later!
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