I weighed myself today, a day premature of my official weigh in, and if numbers are correct on my scale (which, i hope to god they are) I would have lost 5.4lbs. haha, oh god i hope that's what shows up tomorrow.
I've been working out like crazy. I went to the gym last night, did 45min of cardio and an extra 30 min of strength and resistance training. When im doing strength training.. im also gaining more confidence.. i can actually watch myself in the mirror while doing my moves and not feel like a complete fat slob.. which is good.. lo. My clothes are loose and look kinda funny on me... :D!!!!
This time last year I was doing an hour on the elliptical, and so far right now only about 20 min. lol. I'm increasing my running/jog everyday.. which is good. I'll probably take Alex Longs advice (triathlon/marathon running friend) on going to Fit-2-Run in the International mall.. apparently they have expensive ass shoes, but they'll size and fit your foot for free. Which is good, because my shoes are not that awesome.
I just finished eating lunch here, in the Physical Education building at USF, yummy! Haha they don't sell food here, but I save money (and calories) by bringing my own frozen food entree`. This is the only building i know of (minus dorms) that has a microwave in their rec room (i also noticed all the Phys. Ed majors are constantly fuckin eating!)
My Smart ones frozen meal was suprisingly large... which brings me to ...
Is anything that isn't proper portion sizes. Holidays is a different thing, but eating a shitload just because you have it? don't do it. Unfortunately when I tried to do a search for "comfort food"... guess what was popping up the most? Not comfort food at all (homemade suff), but McDonalds and KFC n shit! how ridiculous. Remember... this looks good, but not on your thighs.
I took this picture right before I devoured it, but it is Roast Turkey Medallions and delicious wild rice. There was so much rice, it was pressing up against the plastic film. Really filling, almost didn't finish it.. and if you're following Weight Watchers, it's only 4 points. (For relevance, i have a bank of 34points a day, and a cup of BROTH soup at Panera is 4-5 points). When the portion is measured for me, i realizr i fill up quicker... just because there is food on the table, doesn't mean you have to eat it.
On other news, Keith and I are going to go out to grub this weekend and possibly see My Bloody Valentine in 3D!!!!! WHO IS SO EXCITED?! THIS GIRL!!! And i'm not sure what i'm more excited about.. Keith.. or the movie... lol
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