I don't realize im losing weight until I actually look at my ticker. Which is GREEEAAAT!
I've been raiding all the grocery stores for all their deals this week: Publix had 50% off Smart Ones, Target had 4 for $7, and Wal Mart had a 'Price Cut', so my freezer is stocked with goodies! I've been doing so well that I hope it lasts :S
After work today I was going to go work out by myself at my jobs gym, however!!!!! I had two friends who were getting off an hour after me, so i waited and we all went together! We all did 30 minutes of cardio, then 30-40 minutes of strength training and weights. It was sooo awesome, i feel like I really got a lot accomplished today.
I think that's my favorite word. Accomplished. Because it makes everything feel and seem better, because it normally is! How about I bring food of the day back? or at least food of the week! I'll start doing food of the week during the entries of my weigh in.. that sounds great! Omg.. how about the weekly food of the strong!!!!??? hahahaha you'll see
Even how delicious and beautiful regular ice cream is... think about how beautiful that's going to look on your thighs as dimples. MHMM thats what i thought.
A great alternative? Sorbet! It looks just as beautiful and delicious, but way healthier. Look, this one is made out of pomegranate! The ultimate strong food, yuuuum
hehe, hope to update soon! Have a great weekend you guyses!
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