Rantings of a College Schoolgirl


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

First Post, whoohoo!

Well, the reason I started this blog is because I mostly blog on MySpace, and I won't be signing on to MYspace or Facebook from May 16th until sometime in August.
... but i still want to blog? And i don't think it's a bad thing.. i'm just keeping in touch, telling it like it is, and updating my life online, right? sweet.

So today started off pretty awesome. I woke up at 7am, it was supposed to be 6:30, but Karen and I were on the phone last night till like 1:30ish, which i'm sure we both regret because she had to go to work and I had to work out. Yes, i woke up at 7 on my own will because i wanted to work out. AWESOME, RIGHT? haha. not.

It's this regime i started on my own. I really want to work out like everyday, but if i wait till like... after my morning pee i get reluctant and not want to do it. THat's exaggerated.. because i definately pee first :)

So today.. i did a workout video (Slim in 6!) lol, i don't think it works like it says it does, but i mean, it gets me off of my bum and it's a good warm up. actually.. it's really slow kinestetics (sp?!) but it lets that acid flow to your muscles and it BURNS LIKE HELL. Think like.. putting your arms straight out to your side and doing small circles for an hour. LIke that kind of burn.
Then i walked/jogged around the block a couple times (our blocks aren't like those small suburban blocks either. They're about a track length round or more? so a little more than .25 mile?). I then jogged over to the pool where i proceeded to swim a couple laps. This was my first time with my swim cap, those little shits are hard to get on, dude!

AND IM FEELING GREAT! You.. shouuuldd... get on my case if i don't work out for a day? i mean, i'll be pissed that you're being annoying, but i'll get over it and thank you eventually. :) lol

So right now, i am defrosting some meat (1 carb/1 protein/unlimited veggies) for lunch, yummo! and I'm about to wash the chlorine off this curvy bod.. haha.

Aww yay, first blog. Blogging is fun... because you get to talk about yourself.. and people read it. BWAHAHA.Gotcha.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm really proud of you for taking time for yourself. man, i miss doing that! i can't wait till ben's home because i will have some time for that myself. anyways, i'll keep reading. i'm a good online stalker lol
