Rantings of a College Schoolgirl


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So I kinda started doing weight watchers again.. with no help from the meetings. I still have my points counter from when I was with WW.
For a couple of days I actually took down my calorie intake as well as my points. HMM.

At my max amount of points for my weight, at 33. My caloric intake was only at 1,100. UM, should I be worried?! No wonder why people at WW drop weight like flies, they're eating so much under! Well, at least it's certified as healthy? Whatever. We'll see how things will go.

Another thing, my weight hasn't dropped a bit. Not even a little for the past couple of weeks. I can totally feel my clothes feeling more loose or whatnot, but THAT STUPID SCALE. That stupid scale..

Another thing is, a lot of people who have lost a significant amount of weight have told me that after a couple weeks of no noticable success, one day you'll wake up and be like "WTF? Where is the rest of my body?". I really hope that happens to me, lol. And I think that in the past the reason I never realized a weight loss is because I quit before that time came. Lame. Well.. i'm still in it to win it. I'm just getting really frustrated. :/

1 comment:

Karen said...

I got your postcard!!! I know I can't wait. I got it today. So I was really happy to head back into town, get my computer back, and tell you how happy I was to receive it. Send me more mail it makes me happy! Miss you!